Thursday, March 24, 2005

Schiavo, Borders: Alia Musings

Swirling around in my head... I see the news. Netherlands spokesman says "SEE? You guys were wrong, Netherlands is humane in re euthanasia, who dies and who lives!"

I flew up to my loft and looked upon the scene... In High Holy Week for Christians, Catholics, etc., Terri Schiavo is being put to death. I heard macabre snickers from abroad, and within parts of the US -- "See! See what fools they are".

And both President and Governor Bush upheld the law. Cleanly. They tried everything possible, and showed their respect (or rather disrespect) for what passes as "laws" in certain issues and courts and with very specific judges. I think Dems were hoping to see the GOP weep, for the MSM to print about. And they got nothing, except to lampoon average, everyday Americans.

The time is dark. Terri is being martyred. Democrats claim to have read the Bible; clearly, they haven't understood what they read. And what results.

On another score, what group of people in America BENEFIT from Terri's "lawful" murder? Lawyers.

Due the wrangling over the "living will" and "he said/she said" matters -- "living wills" are going to be looked at quite closely. This is good. Democrats hate "living wills". Democrats much more prefer the probate courts where the state gets a big cut of the deceased's assets.

Nonetheless, otoh, this also means that many people seeking out the acquisition of a "living will" can also become prey to false groups, and of course, be opening their personal identity and assets to "strangers". Buyers beware!

I know CA-Governor-wannabe Lockyer detests! Living Wills.

In another quarter -- in the middle of this "upholding the rule of law", President Bush has said that he thinks we need more guards at the border instead of vigilantes. He is upholding the law, again.

He knows, you know, I know there are many laws which make asses look good.

In my mind I can almost hear him saying: Team, start your engines.

Who enacted these bad laws? Activist lawyers and legal groups; and activist Democrat-appointed judges. (link track)

Team, start your engines.

1 comment:

MataHarley said...

Amazing that the courts can so pompously ignore and deny an "en novo" review. A pure egotistical slap against Congress, in essence saying "you have no jurisdiction over us!"

It's one sad state of affairs in the US, Alia.

And for all the protesters in Florida, this same Judge was re-elected over an opponent who criticized his rulings in the Schiavo case. Either Florida voters don't pay attention, or don't give a whit that Terri will be put to death by an estranged husband and his new family, and more importantly, but judicial neglect.

We have road blocks for remedy in this country. And it is called the courts and judges themselves. And it is clear they will answer to no one.