Thursday, June 02, 2005

Gang of 14: Make Love Not War?

Sometimes, it is helpful to view the world through a barely awake brain. Something's been floating on mine for a time, I've seen it; then got busy or distracted. This morning, the thunder clap appeared.

Let no one suppose that the "deal" engineered by the "Gang of 14" (seven Republicans and seven Democrats) in the Senate last week put to rest either of the related major disputes that have been roiling that distinguished body in recent weeks. The would-be peacemakers labored and brought forth a mouse.

I remember, back during the Vietnam war? Talk among the local "pacifists" in Marin County.

"If we could just get leaders from each of the warring countries to sit down with each other and arm-wrestle, there'd be no war with men dying".


"War is evil. Make the leaders of the warring countries shoot it out."

And so it has come to pass, but with not the results the pacifists predicted. Not "warring" countries, but domestic parties? And while the gang of 14 are not leaders, but instead junior members, the brawling is worse than ever.

So finally, I must respond to those pacifists of long past: PTUI!

1 comment:

TheBitterAmerican said...

Ahh,..I see John McCain,..doing his best Neville Chamberlain impersonation,..shouting "Peace in Our Time!" and hold the anti-filibuster agreement.