(snip)Araud said anti-Semitism in France is no different from that in other countries in Europe, but "Israelis harass us, because we are an easier target." Two synagogues that were set alight in Europe in June elicited no Israeli reaction, Araud said, charging that one day later, "when there was some anti-Semitic graffiti on a Paris street, it made the front page of Haaretz."The ambassador also criticized Israeli journalist Yair Lapid, a writer and satirist for the Maariv newspaper (and son of Shinui chairman Yosef Lapid). After the death of Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat, Lapid wrote that the manner in which France treated the issue of Arafat's death proved that "the French are shit," Araud said.The ambassador called such sentiments completely unacceptable, saying if the French media were to use such language in reference to Jews, they would be accused of anti-Semitism.The ambassador also attacked political satirist Eli Yatzpan for never ceasing to make fun of France. "Everyone knows that Yatzpan picks on France regularly. He simply loves to laugh at our expense," Araud said.(snip)
Mata Musing:
The French unloved? Oh my. LOL Speaking of a proud citizen of possibly the most hated nation in the world, I can only say my heart bleeds for you.
The French have been the butt of many a joke for years. Especially the Brits. They *are* easy targets because they are so... uh... French!
But seriously, the Six Year War and embargos may have been the start of the Israeli cold shoulder, but the French have done nothing to improve relations since then. With every vote in the UN Security Council INRE Israel, they have aptly demonstrated that Palestine's interests always take precedent over Israel's.
And they heartbroken because Israel holds no love??
Also, given their rising and politically influential Muslim population, I would disagree that France has no more anti-Semitism than any other country. In fact, I would say the chances of the Jew hatred growing leaps and bounds there are looking really, really good. As a nation, they fear any direction that may "offend" their Muslim population - including the Islamic terrorists.
But I will give them one point in their favor. They're still missing a couple of journalists , gone for almost 6 months now - fate unknown. They were kidnapped because of the domestic policy regarding head wear in the French ecoles. To their credit, the French didn't acquiesce and change their policy... but the sidebar is their journalists seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth and, for the most part, in the headlines of the media.
Thus, all I can say is... those in the famous "whine" country should just suck up and accept the fact that that are indeed unloved... and not just by Israel. And if this is what they need to feel complete, an attitude adjustment in in order.
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