By Sheldon Kirshner, The Canadian Jewisn News
A former top official of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency paints a menacing picture of the relationship between Islam and terrorism.
“Islamic terrorism is based on Islam as revealed through the Qu’ran,” keynote speaker Bruce Tefft claimed in a panel discussion at the University of Toronto on jihad and global terrorism. The session, held late last month, was sponsored by the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Speakers Action Group.
Tefft, a founder of the CIA’s counter-terrorism center and now an advisor to the New York Police Department’s intelligence and counter-terrorism divisions, said that without Islam, the long-term strategy of Al Qaeda and its followers make little sense.
Linking Osama bin Laden to the attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001, Tefft said: “To pretend that Islam has nothing to do with Sept. 11 is to willfully ignore the obvious and to forever misinterpret events.” In a harsh indictment of Islam – the world’s fastest growing religion and the second-largest faith after Christianity – Tefft said that while there may be moderate Muslims, Islam itself is immoderate.
And, he added, “There is no difference between Islam and Islamic fundamentalism, which is a totalitarian construct.”
According to Tefft, the Qu’ran enjoins Muslims to believe that the whole world should be governed by the principles of Islam, an expansionist religion that has historically grown through conquest.
All infidels are to be converted, enslaved or killed, he said, drawing on the knowledge of Bernard Lewis, a Jewish historian who has written books about Islam and Islamic history.(snip)Of the 6,000 or more mosques in North America, 80 per cent are radical in orientation and devoted to spreading an intolerant Wahabi strain of Islam. They are funded by Saudi Arabia, he said.
David Harris, the former head of strategic planning at the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, said that Islamic fundamentalists are hostile to Canada and consider it a “Little Satan.”He warned that Hezbollah has begun surveying sites in Canada for possible terrorist attacks.
Canada, though, innocently thinks it is immune to such aggression, Harris said.(snip) read in it's entirety at link above
Mata Musing:
Tefft is a brave man who, technically, speaks the truth. I suspect he'll soon be the recipient of threats on his life, if he doesn't have them already.
While I hate to blast a religion as a whole since so many Muslims do not reflect the terrorists' beliefs in their daily lives, it is a connundrum as to why peaceful Muslims choose to believe only what they want of the Qu'ran, easily discarding the "kill the infidel" teachings.
If they don't accept that fundamentalist doctrine as true, how do they know what else should be accepted as religious truths?
It's also a mystery to me why, in a world demanding diversity at every corner, Muslims are on the increase. It is a faith based around hate, abuse to women, intolerance for anyone not Muslim, and strives for the ultimate separatism in the caliphate state.
When you strip the fundamental belief of superiority and the call to eliminate all other religions away from the Qu'ran, what is left?
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