Thursday, December 09, 2004

Judge Pickering to Retire

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - Federal judge Charles Pickering, appointed by President Bush less than a year ago without Congressional approval, said Wednesday he will step down from the bench.

President Bush elevated Pickering, 67, with a recess appointment in January, which temporarily sidestepped the confirmation process. Some Democrats accused Pickering of being racially insensitive and harboring anti-abortion views.
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A good man, Charles Pickering. I remember the battles over his nomination all too well. Furthermore, in announcing his retirement, I see a clearer, more aggressive GOP -- who are fully aware of the strategies of the Democrats.
Again, Judge Charles Pickering, is a good man, a team player, and a wise man. I wish he were not retiring, but it appears to me, he see's what is coming and what is best for the team.

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