By Joe Conason, NY Observer
Mata Musing:
What is it with reporters? Do they write their own headlines? Or it that "outsourced"???
I 'fess, Conason was surprisingly less left-radical on some of the talking heads circuits around election night. I didn't know he had it in him.
But I sure need to take issue on this glaring headline that is above and beyond embellishment, portraying McCain in a light that totally belies his quoted statement.
But hey.. make up your own mind. Here's what McCain said to warrant the adverb of "distain" as the article come-on.
Asked whether he believes that Mr. Annan should step down, the Arizona Republican and outspoken hawk replied, "No. I think that we should have a full and complete investigation and then make decisions like that. Am I disturbed when I hear that his son was on payroll? Of course I’m disturbed about it, and apparently Kofi Annan was [disturbed] also." He added, "I think Coleman is kind of a symptom of some dissatisfaction within Congress about the U.N.—but no, I think we need a full and complete investigation, and there’s plenty of time to decide whether people should keep their jobs or not."
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