There are rumblings that, despite a recent discovery of $15 million in leftover campaign money, some of the Kerry campaign advance team are having trouble getting paid for the last several weeks of the campaign. Worse, many of them have not seen a per diem check since the end of August, we're told, and they do not know when they're going to get paid.
Phone calls apparently don't get returned and, if they do, the mantra is "next week" or "you're on my list.
We'll be checking into this.
Mata Musing LOL! Perhaps they should check and see if John "I have a plan" Kerry has a plan for paychecks!
or, um.. Remind them "he was in Vietnam".. and he knows how they feel. (g,r & d)
like maybe he should tell his accountant to "report for duty"?
Lawdy... the quips this brings to mind are endless!
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