Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Australian Friedman "Gets" It!

By Andrew Friedman, The Australian
MONDAY'S al-Qa'ida attack on the US consulate in Jedda, Saudi Arabia, should send a clear warning to Australia: attacks on your home turf are the necessary outcome of consorting with terror.


Saudi hopes that terrorist groups would practise their grisly trade offshore have been dashed. While Saudi-sponsored madrassas rail against the "decadent" West, fast food outlets and other symbols of Western decadence are to be found in every corner of the country. The regime's close ties with the West are a big sticking point with bin Laden and co, and the failure of the international community to condemn terrorism outright, with no apologies for supposed "freedom fighters", has delivered a clear message that civilian attacks are an appropriate way of expressing displeasure. No wonder terrorists have increased their attacks in the kingdom, or that they began in the first place.

The lessons to be derived from the Saudi experience should be obvious to Australia. If terrorists will strike at the very regime that has done more to promote radical Islam than any other, it stands to reason that they will not be bribed to lay off Australia in return for Australian silence in the face of terrorist outrages.

Many people, including several members of parliament, seem to believe that by appeasing terrorist groups Australia can immunise itself against future attacks. But the folly of such a platform is clear. Appeasing terrorism does not buy the goodwill of violent extremists. It only strengthens their hand when it comes back to strike.

Andrew Friedman is a Middle East analyst for the Australia/Israel Jewish Affairs Council.

Mata Musing:

This article is right on.... from the overt lesson of appeasment to the other paragraphs expounding on the dangers of Saudi continued support of Islamic schools preaching hatred of infidels to the next generation.

Australia, like America, has more than it's fair share of those willing to bury their heads in the sand when it comes to Islamic terrorism. I only hope they will continue as a strong US ally, and that those in dissent will wake up to the truths without having to suffer more losses ( such as the attack in Bali), or worse yet, a 9:11 of their own.

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