The Dems pounded the "everyone in the world community hates us" issue home during the past election, followed rapidly by the "why do they hate us" question - suggesting that America is to blame.
Having some perspective on those doing the hating is important for the informed American.
I have never seen an historical and future perspective as direct, complete, and eloquent as this on the subject matter. It is impossible to do excerpts here. I can only suggest to read this transcript in it's entirety, altho lengthy, to grasp what it is we are up against in evoking support amongst the international community.
In fact, given the history and attitudes, it may very well be we will never enlist the int'l communities' full suppport until the Islamic terrorism on their own fronts becomes too unbearable for even the most complacent elitist.
However, below I offer as brief a summary of the highlights as I can muster. None of which do justice to the full article, I might add.
First, some basic facts to use as a foundation.
1: The EU is creating a growing economic powerhouse with the collective economies of the member states
2: The EU, however, has no military power to speak of and lives in the shadow of the US's military might
3: The UN, created in 1945, has only "approved" 2 conflicts using military power of the over 200 int'l conflicts that have taken place. Iraq, however, is unique in that it was preceeded by 17 UN resolutions demanding behavior from Iraq that was not forthcoming. Thus, waiting for the UN blessing before the US can act with military power has been proven historically futile.
4: The EU countries have almost 450 million people to the US's 295 million. That does not include Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Russia and Ukraine which could bring it to over 500 million.
5: With the exception of Ireland and France, population in Europe is declining while the US population is growing leaps and bounds with both birth rates and immigration. Interracial or multi-culture marriage unions are more common in the US, and declining in Europe.
6: Muslim immigrants have not mixed well with native populations in Europe. Entire immigrant communities have taken over sections in major cities, particularly in France, Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Belgium.
7: Newer stricter immigration laws in Europe are emerging because of the Islamic lack of integration and it's threat to societal homogeneity.
8: Europe always tends to favor Palestinian interests over Israeli because:
a. Europe’s dependence on Middle East oil.
b. Europe’s rivalry with the US.
c. The growing number of Muslims and their militancy.
d. The small number of Jews, and their passivity.
e. The role of elites in Europe’s politics.
f. Europe’s long term disease of anti-Semitism.
g. The decline of Christianity in Europe.
Europe is afraid of it's Muslim population for many reason. Their growing numbers, lack of assimilation into the native country and economic repercussions. This leads to public opinion favoring Palestine over Israel by 2 to 1, or 3 to 1 in the large countries, and by 10 to 1 in the smaller countries.
Because of it's lack of military power, Europe and the UN always tends to lean toward multi-laterial solutions. To elect military solution forces it to take the lead from the US... a dignity and "control" problem for the Euros.
The Euro elitists, extreme left leaning, romanticize the violence of Che Guevara, Arafat and the terrorists whom they love to call "freedom fighters". This is much the same as academic leaders on US campuses. However, unlike the US, these elitists have more impact than American academics because they have a major role in making government policy in the EU and UN.
The ICC (Int'l Criminal Court) is Europe's way to "annoy America, badger Israel, and try to force a European role in American foreign policy and military decisions".
Or at least it was until our Cowboy Prez pulled us out of this monsterous court, much to my personal delight.
Iraq was a special sore spot since it exposed the divisions within Europe itself. The French, Germans, Belgium and Greeks opposed the war for:
1.The instability it might cause among their own Arab populations which would need to be controlled.This is only a precursor to what this transcript provides, all current event news accounts substantiate it's accuracy. Read the complete transcript at the link above.
2. The potential loss of business investments and opportunities since Europeans willingly filled the gap left by America’s boycott of business activity with Iraq.
3. Because the war demonstrated America’s military power, and Europe’s weakness. Military action meant the UN and diplomacy and multilateralism had not worked. Since these are the holy trinity of European international politics, the resistance to American action was deeply felt and resented.
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