Monday, November 28, 2005

Tookie Williams

Tookie Williams murdered 4 people in 1979, in cold blood. He's written some wonderful books while in the pen. But, should his life sentence be commuted or executed?

April 15, 1981 Tookie was sentenced to death. The usual "drama" is ensuing in CA. I say usual because it is so predictable and has occurred so regularly and routinely over the past 30 years.

The LA County DA's office argues in a pdf file: "For nearly 25 years, justice has been held in abeyance while Williams took advantage of a legal system designed to protect his rights. His rights have been protected. It is now time for the victims’ voices to be heard. We ask that clemency be denied, and that the ultimate punishment, imposed so many years ago, now be fulfilled."

Hollywood is also weighing in but on behalf of clemency for Tookie. Released criminals do not go to Hollywood to reside -- no, they return to the elements and environments from which they came. If Hollywood really cared, they'd house Tookie and all the other "reformed" criminals in their own homes. But will they? Non!

John Dunphy nails the argument best.

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