Sunday, November 27, 2005

Congressional Lies on talk shows...

Talk about the kettle calling the pot black... another example of distortion and manipulation of the truth. Below are quotes from the transcript of Fox News Sunday, Nov 27th, 2005.

WALLACE: I want to start by asking both of you a direct question, and I'd like a short and direct answer, if I could.

Senator Lugar, let me start with you. Do we need a change of course in U.S. strategy in Iraq? And if so, what?

LUGAR: No, we don't need a change of course, but we need an explanation and continual metrics as far as how successful we're doing

WALLACE: And, Senator Levin?

SEN. CARL LEVIN, D-MICH.: We do need a change of course. Our current course is not working. We've got to put a lot more pressure on the Iraqis to come together politically because there's not going to be a military success there, according to our own commanders, unless the Iraqis do pull together their politics.

Really Carl? Our "current course is not working"?? And what is that current course? Get elected Iraqi gov't in place, train Iraqis to defend themselves, then leave. And if they want us to leave sooner... we're outta there!

And this over-and-over stated plan isn't working? Per Levin, the Iraqis need "more pressure" to accomplish this? What does he suggest as pressure? Nothing of course.

Levin basically said nothing in his perpetual whine... at least nothing of truth. Any idiot would know that Iraq's success depends upon the Iraqis doing their part for their own freedoms. And they are.... demonstrated daily by their continued enlistments in their military, their increased training, the large voter turn outs, and carrying on with daily life despite continued bombardment from terrorist car bombs.

And what of those commanders predicting a military loss? Does Mr. Levin care to hear a few
of those military leaders he proclaims are so negative?

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Peter Pace outlined goals for U.S. forces six months from now on the same day that Iraqi leaders said their troops will be ready to take over in a year.

"Things have gone extremely well with regard to training the Iraqi armed forces and to getting that country up on its feet," Pace told FOX News in an exclusive interview. "There is absolutely no way that we can fail. The only way we can fail is if we lose our will or lose our patience."

And from another...

Lt. Gen. John Vines, the top operational commander in Iraq, said the U.S. military is developing a plan to respond to a request to leave.

"The coalition is here at the request of the Iraqi government. We are here at the request of the Iraqis," he said, adding that the military has "war-gamed" the possibility that a new Iraqi government elected in December will ask the coalition to leave.

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