Monday, March 07, 2005

Why (Some) Men Don't Support Summers

Eeks. But I think Steve Sailer is right.

Why (Some) Men Don't Support Summers
By Steve Sailer

The Larry Summers rumpus goes on and on-with an informative but deceptively-titled story about the gender difference "Math Myth" making the cover of the March 7 Time Magazine-even though the President of Harvard announced his complete capitulation to the forces of political correctness back in January.

One interesting point that hasn't been explored: why have so many male scientists and engineers have piled on Summers?
But a more interesting subset, however, are the male science and engineering types who support gender quotas for women out of self-interest. My theory: they see the feminists' vendetta against Summers as their chance to get revenge on the female sex for its annoying femaleness.
Why do these men insist that sexist discrimination and socialization are the only possible reasons there are fewer women than men in their own fields?
Why do they demand massive social engineering to get more women to become as obsessive about the pocket-protector professions as they are?

Paradoxically, this is typically because of how little these nerds appreciate women. They don't like females the way they are. They want a vast societal effort to remold women into liking the same nerdy things they like.

That way, maybe, nerds can finally get dates.

Of course, I've also studied some other opinions, as to why "some men aren't supporting Summers".
  1. They like belittling women who receive preferential affirmative action "slots". They can tell themselves "they earned the job" but those piffling women "had to be given their jobs" and because of their inferior genitalia characteristics.

  2. Some men enjoy hearing women complain and whine. It makes them feel superior.

  3. Some people are enjoying Mr. Summer's being so villified and harassed, and simply because he served in the Clinton Administration.

All in all, I think Mr. Sailer's analysis niftly covers "all the above".

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