Monday, March 07, 2005

McCain and CableVision, Who'd a guessed?

McCain Group Got Big Cable Donation

Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record) pressed a cable company's case for pricing changes with regulators at the same time a tax-exempt group that he co-founded solicited $200,000 in contributions from the company.
The pricing plan is opposed by most of the cable industry. It would let customers pick the channels they want rather than buy fixed-price packages. Supporters, like McCain and Cablevision, say it would lower prices for consumers, but recent congressional and private studies concluded it could make cable more expensive
I've been railing "MUST CARRY/MUST GO" for so long, I sound like a broken record. HOWEVER... in light of "other" of Mr. McCain's Campaign Finance Reform Plans... I smell a rat. How will the balance (loss) to CableVision be recouped? Click here for a myriad of possibilities to explore, to open your mind, so you can see how wedded the Party of "Democrats" is to your wallet and in controlling your options.

McCain and four other senators were caught up in the Keating Five scandal in the early 1990s, taking significant criticism for giving assistance to and taking donations from failed savings and loan executive Charles Keating.

After that, McCain became a champion of overhauling the political money system, seeking to end "soft money" donations from corporations, unions and wealthy executives. His decade-long fight helped lead to enactment in November 2002 of a campaign law bearing his name.

Naughty, naughty. Caught, and yet greedy for that ready till of funds, no?

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