Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Feminism Update: Clinton assails ``epidemic'' of media sex and violence

Clinton assails ``epidemic'' of media sex and violence.

WASHINGTON (AP) Children are suffering from a ``silent epidemic'' of media sex and violence, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton argued Wednesday in calling for closer scrutiny by parents and government of what kids watch and play.

Speaking a day before her husband former president Bill Clinton was due to undergo a follow-up surgery for a heart bypass operation six months ago, the senator argued the public health was threatened by increasingly raw media content. Clinton, D-N.Y., focused her critique on the new media that some parents worry are a bad influence on children: violent video games, the Internet, and sexually explicit television programs.

``This is a silent epidemic. We don't necessarily see the results immediately,'' Clinton said at a forum hosted by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Over time, she argued, the effects of such media-driven desensitization teaches children ``that it's OK to dis people because they're women or they're a different color or they're from a different place.''

See mine and mine. lol. Right Mrs. Clinton: You want it both ways: On one hand, children are property to be murdered by the "choice" of women, but... but.. danged don't let your babies grow up to become..(fill in the blank). Do you think she mighta wanted to say "cowboys"?

Thanks to the feminists and their "get rich quick" schemata of "women's anatomical" choices, somehow others got the idea about mass marketing same, and that's baaaad?

Put it all together and whaddya get? St. Hillaire is proposing HER SELF as a "faith-based" organization.

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