Thursday, March 03, 2005

EU Grows Itself via ""statistical alchemy"

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the Telegraph reports:

The European Commission sought yesterday to establish itself as the EU's chief auditing authority, demanding new powers to police the budget offices of member states.

Under this law, even Britian, itself not a member of the euro would be subject to "on demand" accounting so that Brussels doesn't feel ripped off.

Britain responded:

"Our statistical body has a worldwide reputation for excellence and doesn't need Eurostat officials marching in," said a British official. "Brussels should be focusing on countries that have problems."

The EU points at Greece, who shamefully reported cooked books.

Ironically, Eurostat is itself embroiled in scandal. A leaked memo by investigators described a "vast enterprise of looting" by top officials, entailing the disappearance of €5m (£3.4m) of taxpayer funds in illegal black accounts. Contracts were awarded off-books to a shadowy network of suppliers linked to the officials and their families.

Sing with me: Old MacEuro had a bank, E-U, E-U-O-o-o

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