Friday, February 25, 2005

Take a Walk with me Through Moonbat Land..

In re the Gannon matter: Dan has written:

I don't know whether the trolls from DU saw this, or it was posted, or what, but the traffic at my blog went nuts, and I've gotten a bunch of emails.

Some are just nasty and acid, some are more contentful and conversational -- but they all seem to read from a script. They basically mock my Christian faith, and specifically call me a hypocrite for defending Jeff Gannon, because he advertised himself on the internet and did homosexual prostitution.

This is striking, because unless I missed something in my own essay, I don't defend Gannon. I don't comment on him either way. I do attack the hypocrisy of the left, and the sanctimoniousness of the WH presstitutes -- but that isn't their focus.

Instead, something I didn't say is their focus.

I guess the list strikes a nerve. That's good, at least.

A LittleGreenFootball insider taped D-Hinchey asserting that Rove planted "Gannon". On Sean Hannity's show yesterday appears Mr. Hinchey went even further:

Oh brother. I just received an email saying that on the Sean Hannity radio show, Congressman Maurice “Rove Rules the World” Hinchey (D-NY) has stated that Jeff Gannon broke the Rathergate story. (Hat tip: JammieWearingFool.) I didn’t hear it myself; but if true, Hinchey has passed the orbit of Pluto and is boldly going where no moonbat has gone before.

Both parts of Dem Congresspersons are demanding a FORMAL INVESTIGATION into what is now dubbed "GannonGuckertGate".

One could think, Oh yES, the Moonbats have totally lost their freakin' minds. One could think that, but only exclusive of other issues.

The old left wing "media" has been deliberating and plotting and planning for quite some time as to how to regain their "old" entrenched, biased footing with the public.

And I have replied to Dan as follows, based upon my own research, oh yes, certainly flawed as I don't have a journalist credential! Alas, only an apron...

Dear Dan, this all has more to do with the "old leftwing" media checking out it's ping-status (and rates of speed) regarding the spread of "rumors" and "activism" world wide. Simple examination of facts culled over the past 6 months reveals that the left wishes to reassert itself as the new "partisian" (but not obvious) media.

Here's my cursory findings:

The issue was not Eason Jordan; but rather what else was going on at the WEF forum. The tapes are simply irrelevant, therefore. And of course, not available to the "publik".

The left has devised some very high tech new media(um) tools to continue their anti-American "newscasts". This explains to me clearly, Eason Jordan's positions on the "news is partial" therefore, I will leave CNN in order to show up somewhere else" position. Additionally take the matter of Joe Strupp.

He appears to be reporting the news in Cronkite fashion. ("Hardnews, only the news!") Search out older statements of his and you see that he believes the problem to current (for the left) has been that the news is reported from Fringe to Center -- and this is why the left is "vulnerable". He appears to posit to have news reported from "Center to Fringe". Fascinating, no?

However, search out his works, and you will find them nearly 100% at left-wing sites, including left-wing "journos" sites. This includes Pro-Palestinian websites, etc.

Search out the blogs posting on the Gannon matter, and these nearly all link to Joe Strupp's new format, NOT "media matters" (David Brock).

Now factor in such media tools such as technorati and del-ici-ous. I did the looking -- using these tools, one can then determine the speed of ping (and broadcast of "rumors") as well as "rumor hold" worldwide via blog/url counts. One can thereby also, using these tools (including Google) to access same (speed/amounts) of response/retort to the new "mill", and devise, remap accordingly.

And then there is the Democrat "WE DEMAND A FORMAL INVESTIGATION" into "GannonGuckertGate". Add to it D-Hinchey's latest and happily raving theories. One could posit the Democratic party has gone completely over the edge, OR, there's something far bigger a foot.

I posit there is something far bigger afoot. The left's new "media". There are newer technologies, now installed and accessed worldwide, whereby the left can communicate via PC (visuals, audio) their take on events in the world. They have their own RSSfeed links, etc. Who will "control" the media in the newly freed middle-east? Hmmm?

By the rapid rate at which you describe the email coming to you, you may understand that the Gannon Matter has more to do with stocks and investments at the "large fish" level, and with "social activism" at the lower level.

I read what you wrote. I thought it was quite good. It certainly wasn't angry or viscious.

IMH-assessment, the Gannon matter is merely an opportunity for the left to "test" its new media. I'm watching stocks. And watching for even bigger "moonbat" theories and tin-foil hat conspiracies to arise.

Might these adversely affect what positive gains are going on in the mid-east? Yes. The potential is there.

You see, I now believe the left when they assert they are not maligning Jeff, personally. lol. Yep, I do believe it's about -- something bigger. The left is insanely chanting about "Gannon being a Bush/Rove/McClelland/Martian/UFO" plant, so to speak. But only so that none pay attention to what they are planting even larger, and worldwide. That's my two cents.

You are being attacked for something you did not say or write: Oh, no. That line of thinking is coming from the left "center to fringe". Ergo, you are being attacked on the basis of non-foundation, but a network. Keep on the good work, Dan! Obviously, you are being responded to under a very biased-driven "rules of engagement" under the rubric of "new media".

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