Thursday, February 24, 2005

Our school system in action....

Middle School Students Encouraged to
Send Demoralizing Letters to Soldier


I caught this first last night on Scarborough Country, and made a concerted effort to find any stories by the MSM today.

Nada... whit... zippo. It appears only a few in the blog world, an Indianapolis Star forum, and Joe Scarborough find it of enough import to report.

Yet could there be a worse example of our school system going pathetically awry?

In a nutshell, middle school teacher/propagandist Alex Kunhardt gave his 6th grade students an assignment to write letters - all addressed to one, unsuspecting US soldier, Pfc. Rob Jacobs from New Jersey. More than half the letters were filled with anti-war hate and rhetoric.

And where are the parents on this kind of assignment? Do they sanction assailing a PFC in the Army for such BS, and not his Commander in Chief?

Now call me wacky, but 6th graders, by far and large, are hardly educated enough in the nuances of the Iraqi war to be charged with such an assignment of their own volition. Thus we can only conclude that any opinions they had were formulated by a leftist, agenda-riddled educator. And this is nothing short of appalling. And even if the kids were expressing a truly educated 1st right amendment of dissent, that kind of criticism should have been addressed to the Commander in Chief, and not a Private First Class in the Army.

I caught the soldier's father's comments in the Scarborough interview. It's no surprise that the hate letters from these children really affected the soldier. The father is incensed, and rightly so. Apologies are far from enough. Yet, aside from an alert few, where is the MSM on this?

Principal Xavier Costello had merely the following quote in response to such a despicable deed:

“While we would never censor anything that our children write, we sincerely apologize for forwarding letters that were in any way inappropriate to Pfc. Jacobs. This assignment was not intended to be insensitive, but to be supportive of the men and women in service to our nation."


Surely a letter writing campaign is in order here. This may not be a well known blog, but any of you who read this - please pass on the information below to any and all you can... via forum, other blogs. This teacher should be let go, as he has proven he is more than inadequate as an educator for our next generation. In fact, by forcing his own opinions down impressionable young throats, he is nothing short of a political predator, and represents a danger to our nation's youth.

JHS 051
William Alexander Middle School
Principal: Xavier Costello
Tel: (718) 369-7603
Fax: (718) 499-4948

Local Instructional Superintendent:
Alison Sheehan* (15) (718) 935-3686
Parent Coordinator: Audrey Komaroff (347) 563-5371
PTA President: Marylou Bradley

Sorry. I can not locate a website for the internet savvy. This will take a nickel on your LD phone bill, or a postage stamp. The ol' fashioned way!

As an aside.. the below is part of their "mission statement"... almost laughable under the circumstances.

We are dedicated to facilitating the growth of leaders who demonstrate self-esteem, respect, and a strong value system.


TheBitterAmerican said...

Mata, re: this and its follow-up post:

Hannity had the mother of one of these brainwashed children on the other afternoon.

She INSISTED she knows everything her child is taught at school every, EVERY, day!

Hannity lit her up like a Christmas tree!

MataHarley said...

Deplorable, eh, TrekMed. Never a better case for home schooling than events such as this.