Monday, December 06, 2004

Why, Why, Why???

By David Zucchino, LA Times

Mata Musing:

Why why why is this going on? To what purpose but to demean the warriors and incite distrust of our military's capabilities?

The military has already found Tillman died of friendly fire. Yet reporters will not let that rest. They must find "blame".

It is easy to be an armchair warrior, as these reporters are wont to do. Easy for them to say Rangers "over reacted" from the comfort of an air conditioned office in LaLa land.

Friendly fire is another ugly fact in war. It is truly regrettable and tragic for the families, and for the soldiers who must live with the reality that they killed one of their own by accident. Pat Tillman's death was tragic under any circumstances... and no more tragic than any other warrior of lesser stature in the public's eyes.

But for reporters to endlessly drag this thru the mud is cold, unconcionable, and disgraceful to all those serving our country.

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