Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Reservists refusing orders to be disciplined

By By Will Dunham, Reuters Washington

Mata Musing

The lives of all our soldiers depend upon the discipline and dedication of their comrades in arms. When I first heard about this story, I was outraged these reservists would do such a thing. And I firmly believe disciplinary action is warranted, and will be appropriate.

But the biggest story is about those who assumed the mission's orders with nary a thought, and carried it off without a hitch. Barely a word from the MSM about those who honored traditional military command. Instead we get wall to wall coverage of the fearful, whining parents and wives/husbands back home.

What did they think? That their loved one's safety could be guaranteed in Iraq? I've spoken with soldiers home on leave from the Sunni Triangle. They have been the first to admit that "armored" anything is no protection against much of the rocket artillary used by the Islamic militants. Good to have... but no guarantees.

War ain't pretty... and missions are always fraught with danger. Yes, our soldiers could use more and better equipment. But to refuse orders does nothing to remedy the beef about the "safety" of the equipment. Instead all they did was to protect their own hides by putting others in danger instead. A comrade on the battlefield like that is not a desirable comrade.

While fear is understandable, these soldiers should be removed from the combat front, or from areas where frontline troops depend upon them, and relocated to desk duties where they pose no danger to the lives of those in the trenches.

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