Thursday, November 18, 2004

Marine in Fallujah

First and foremost, let's review the situation:

Marines seize a mosque of hostile forces. Within minutes of entrance, one Marine is KIA. Why? Because a dead enemy's body was boobytrapped with a hand grenade. So now, not only are these warriors in a tight situation where thinking is not a feasible option given time contraints, but now they are also down by one and aware that their opposing forces MEAN BUSINESS.

So one Marine sees a man playing possum. What would you do if your friend and compatriot had just been killed by someone playing possum. Would you also stick your hand in the fire after watching your buddy burn his hand in it?

If memory serves, this Marine in question also had undergone a head injury and was RTD (Return To Duty) not long before.

To consider this specific situation in and of itself is stupid. We MUST include previous situations, facts and lessons learned, and the overall surrounding atmosphere.

This is WAR. They're not breaking into a mosque for a tea party or to watch the Superbowl. They're breaking into a mosque to find and destroy hostile forces that will attempt to kill people they, you, and I love and hold dear.

However, arguing this point seems almost mute. It's like arguing philosphy or religious liturgy. If you don't believe that the sky is blue, then no amount of proof is going to change your mind if that is what you want to believe. That's what we're dealing with, here.

"I believe the war is wrong, so everything we do is nothing but murder." Well, regardless of extenuating circumstances and situational concerns, that person is going to think that this Marine murdered that Iraqi. Even if the Iraqi is proven to have held some sort of incendiary device or not, that Marine will be considered a murderer.

It isn't facts that are being argued in our society, today. It's belief systems. Reality is dependant on personal ideas. "My reality is different than your reality".

I know that War is a horrible thing. I know because I've been there. But because I've been there, I realize that each action has a consequence and all I want is for that consequence to turn out well for me and my compatriots. Act first and think later.

Would these war nay-sayers have cried a tear over a whole platoon of Marines being blown up because one Marine took pity on an Iraqi? That Iraqi doesn't give a flying rat's behind. HE WANTS US DEAD.

They aren't going to change their minds because we're nice to them. They're going to take advantage of it.

Wake up, America, and put that damned Narcissis Mirror down. Get off that damn pedestal and realize that NOT EVERYBODY LIKES US. And those who don't, want us dead.

But that's okay, right? I mean, some kid comes and steals from my house, but he's just disadvantaged, right? I should just be kind to him and smile and let him steal some more.

America is so naive. And intentionally so.

Hey, if these people want to trust their own children's lives to those terrorists, that's their business; they can go move to Iraq.

Me? I'm going to go back there and defend my daughter's right to live.

I'm going to go fight to defend my daughter's right to live FREE.


MataHarley said...

Looks like the Human Rights Watch org and others of the ACLU "it's all our fault" ilk are getting nowhere in their attempts to demonize this young soldier thus far, Alia.

I did a cursory fly thru on the evening talking head cable shows. Thus far, most seem to be far more sympathetic to the soldier and not to their guests who are more concerned with a terrorist's rights. The same terrorist who, only hours before, would have mercilessly killed our guys and celebrated.

As a matter of fact, many cable hosts have said that if the soldier runs into trouble, much of the media will jump on the bandwagon, coming to his aid.

Naturally an exception to the rule would be Chris "Lob Ball" Matthews, who spent a good of his show doing his usual - working on eliciting anti-Iraqi war action responses from various guests.

First he had on Stormin' Norman. The little gnome host did his level best trying to bait Norm into saying we were wrong to go into Iraq, and that we've made tons of mistakes. But the wise ol' soldier didn't fall into the trap and remained diplomatically neutral on all counts.

The second segment, Matthews highlighted reservists being called up who don't want to go. Or, using his base goal, putting up a red light up about troop numbers and morale. This will, no doubt, start leading to speculation babble about the draft and keeping the lie in play because... well... ratings.

Matthews has become so obvious in his anti-Iraq and anti-Bush mediating that Lob Ball is no longer palatable for serious news viewing. This was never more notable than in the election coverage ratings, where Matthews & company came in dead last in the heat.

Alia said...

Great Post, Mave. As soon as I heard the news, I was with the Marine; I know he did right. And this all before the "media quagmire" hit, in the name of ratings. Mata? - I'm grateful that you are watching the news. I haven't in so long. And every time I do, I am so shocked that anyone actually finds the MSM -- newsie, and some of the program specials? Egads, the entire nation should be having hemorroids and ulcers, by now...

MataHarley said...

LOL... yup... pass the Preparation H, mon Alia.

Truly, it's not like I have a masochistic streak in me that I have to watch TV news! Purely self-defense, I assure you. Just want to know how to communicate with my fellow human on the street.

Generally, if you want to know the opinions of most, just check out the MSM and cable talking heads' speculation reports. Their presentation is the way people formulate their opinions.

Easier to nip stupid media hype in the bud when you know where the flower bed is, right?

MataHarley said...

Wow.... MAV! *Oh* so sorry! I was so used to Ms Alia's posting that I neglected to note your very worthy entrance on Sea2Sea.

Welcome to the fray!
