Monday, July 18, 2005

Rove lynch mob's latest & greatest

It boggles the mind the way the media addresses the American citizenry as if we are utterly brain dead or, at the very least, illiterate.

INRE the latest blazing accusation in the Plame Blame Game spin machinery. Yesterday it was an "it's all about Iraq". Today, it's about Bush - using the Salon headline phrasing - "flip flopping". From the Washington Post, it was Bush reneging on his "promise to fire anyone involved" in leaking classified information".

Stout's version of this purported "flip flopping":

President Bush appeared to change his stance today on his close adviser Karl Rove, stopping well short of promising that anyone in his administration who helped to unmask a C.I.A. officer would be fired. "If there's a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. If the person has violated law, that person will be taken care of."

To show just how ridiculous this headline is, in Stout's own article he follows his own accusatory lead paragraph with Bush's actual quote of late:

"If someone committed a crime, they will no longer work in my administration," Mr. Bush said in response to a question, after declaring, "I don't know all the facts; I want to know all the facts."

Call me wacky ... call me zany. But I am quite sure that "no longer work in my administration" is as close to a "fired" status as you can get.

Taking a stroll thru memory lane, a quote from a CNN article from Feb 2004 quotes Bush as saying:

"If there's a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is," Bush told reporters at an impromptu news conference during a fund-raising stop in Chicago, Illinois. "If the person has violated law, that person will be taken care of."

Needless to say, one who violates the law is unlikely to be able to perform administration duties since they are more likely to be serving prison time.

While most journalists are parsing the "fired" language and crying *foul*, what is abundantly clear is that there is no flip-flopping going on. Since 2003, Bush as remained consistant and the objective simple. If there is a crime committed in divulging an operative's name, that person will no longer be a part of his staff.

The MSM can attempt to trick the Prez, ask half-questions, put words in the President's mouth, or misinterpret all they want. But most of us can see that Bush made it plain from day one - he will not continue to employ anyone convicted of a crime in this matter. And that everyone should give their full cooperation. Period.

And that is as it should be.

Today's quasi-journalists, apparently unable to discern the definitions of "crime" and "violated law" as different from "involvement" or "part of the Plame affair", must obviously be the victims of a mediocre public education from a school who dropped English courses for tolerance or sex ed curriculum.

The only other explanation for their lack of comprehension of the English language would be they harbor a deliberately biased opinion, and are card-carrying members of the Rove'in Lynch Mob club.

Either explanation for their flawed headlines doesn't bode well. And the MSM wonders why they are becoming more and more irrelevant and distrusted.

I'd wager that the rest of us normal Americans, bored up the kazootie on all this BS dominating the news over more serious issues, can sort out the simple difference that seems to elude the language-challenged MSM.

The overlooked dichotomy here is the ego-inflated media, not content to wait for an investigation's outcome, demands their accusations alone are enough to convict Rove. And there's something inherently wrong with that pious kind of mentality when it's combined with the power wielded by a high dollar media outlet and their influence over public opinion.

Despite their peer pressure and agenda, the MSM and lynch mob will just have to wait for the judicial process to run it's course. They should take heart. If there has been no crime in all this nonsense, Rove will be around for the media to slander yet another day.

But I guarantee that no informed citizen who believes in the right to a trial before conviction is willing to support the media's attempt to usurp the judicial process simply because of their conspiratorial, lynch mob mentality.

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