Thursday, July 14, 2005

The drawbacks of "freedom of speech"

Jewish Groups Urge Condemnation of Muslim Prof's Statements
By Sherrie Gossett, CNSN News

It pains my heart to see how our most valued freedom - being able to speak our opinions freely - can so readily be used against us. It is unconcionable to allow open statements of anti-semitic hatred, such as this from Dr. Kaukab Siddique, a professor of English and journalism at the predominantly black Lincoln University in Chester County, PA.

Not only does he question the existance of the holocaust itself, he also proclaims:

"If the Jews were the chosen people, Allah would not have sent the holocaust on them under Hitler."

To which I personally would like to retort that if he truly believes this, then he must also believe that his beloved Allah also sent the tsunami deluge to kill hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Indonesia etal during the Christian holidays.

There is no hope in this leopard changing his spots. Why he is in this country at all is beyond me. Siddique's makes no effort to disquise his anti-western hatred on his website,
New Trend Magazine . His commentary on the methods of warfare - authorship carefully masked as "New Trend's Editor" instead of by name - as viewed thru Muslim eyes vs western eyes is nothing short of fantasy.

Muslims have a very exalted concept of acceptable standards in warfare. However, most scholars who come out with these abstractions about warfare are themselves mere "book people" and have not been involved in any actual conflict. Some of them quote a verse from the Qur'an which has nothing to do with war, that killing one person is like killing all humanity.

On the non-Muslim side there is open justification of the use of OVERWHELMING FORCE: Witness "Tora Bora" and "Shock and Awe." Ever since the First World War, through the Second World War, Korea, Vietnam, the French in Algeria, the Soviets in Afghanistan, the Israelis in Palestine and Lebanon, the western powers have shown that morality and decency are irrelevant in warfare while power, brutality and terror are uppermost.

To perceive beheadings, murder of innocents and civilians, using holy places as arsenals, and destroying mosques as "exalted" is a stretch at best. By contrast, the western powers "morality and decency" in warfare is untouchable. I don't see Muslim terrorists requesting copies of the Geneva Convention from the UN.

What I find astounding is that this is someone in charge of teaching our youth. Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles sent his complaint to the Presdent of Lincoln Univ, Ivory Nelson. He passed the buck to the VP of development and external communications, Michael Hil... who deftly ducked the issue with the statement: "Lincoln University does not comment on the personal activities of its faculty."

One must wonder if that is only true when the "personal activities" are pro-jihadist and Muslim related. Is there any activity that may make them notice that their choice of professor was not only unwise, but downright dangerous to national security?

Taking the issue to the union'esque types, the American Association of University Professors fell back on the "freedom of speech" argument.

"however unpopular or distasteful the views of professors are, their freedom to express them is an essential condition of a truly free institution."

If we must accept such subversive, anti-American speech as part of our 1st amendment rights, then the public should be lobbying the scholastic institutions to demonstrate some inherent wisdom in their selection of faculty. Using anti-American hate-mongers to teach our future generations of leaders is not only unacceptable, it is nothing short of treasonous action by our educational systems.

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