Friday, April 01, 2005

R.Collins: So, What Else Is Dead?

What died was trust.

Fully fifty percent of those repeating such phrases in America today will one day wish them unsaid, and will have them undone. So is it a wonder, this talk on the subways, buses, and ferryboats, that this man was only doing what comes naturally and yet fought fiercely to maintain suzerainty over that personage to whom, after all, he had made pledges. Adultery? Piffle. This, too, is a matter of personal choice and hasn't the highest court in the land come down on the side of choice in a related matter? Besides, what standing does a vegetable have as a complainant in a divorcement lawsuit?


TheBitterAmerican said...

I wish I could agree with this sentiment, but, all things being equal and knowing what kind of a**hole Michael Schiavo was/is, the gist of this entire battle was (quoting Michael Smerconish at "A contract is a contract is a contract." Terri made an oral contract that was witnessed by two family members. It wasn't made under duress and she was completely competent.

That's why the SCOTUS refused to hear any appeals.

MataHarley said...

Dunno about that "contract" being so cut and dried, TrekMed. When it comes right down to it, Michael's family said she did, Terri's family said she didn't.

And I hardly thing a side comment while watching ER or something is a "contract". All of this is bogus on Schiavo's part. And Greer, who refused to hear shit about Schiavo's character, will be judged at his own end for his part in this... as well as Michael.