Monday, April 18, 2005

Indonesian Muslims have short memories

Thousands hold anti-Israel protests in Indonesia
Reuters (Jakarta)

Oh what a difference a few months removed from the tidal wave catastrophe makes... It was Americans and Israelis amongst the larger contributors to aid to tsunami victims. Albeit the Indonesians refused to allow Israeli troops in uniform on their soil.

Yet note how the anti-Israel protest invariably includes anti-Americanism as well.

In the Indonesian capital, 5,000-10,000 protesters from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) shouted anti-American slogans outside the heavily guarded embassy, witnesses said. Many waved Palestinian flags.

As the Indonesian volcanos increase their activity, the area - once wreaking destruction on it's population over a century ago - is still fragile and prone to future catastrophes. Yet the forgiving world of those so hated by these arrogant Muslims will not deny aid to these same protestors in the future.

And speaking of the area's tectonic fragility, the Indonesian officials have given
the go ahead to 12 nuke power plants. Mindful of their own risk, they chose an area as stable as possible for the endeavor.

Harsono said the site of the project, the Muria peninsula on Central Java province's northeast coast, was chosen for its tectonic and volcanic stability -- a major concern in a country that sees regular eruptions and earthquakes.

Uh hum.... let's see. A country filled with Muslim extremists and prone to vast geological disasters with lots of plutonium nearby.

What a wonderful world....

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