Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Justin Raimondo: I didn't know

Raimondo unquestionably encompasses many contradictions. Now past 50, he features a photo of himself on his website with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, in a fey (and failed) pose as an homme fatale. He is flamboyantly gay, but promotes himself as a Buchananite conservative and was in fact Buchanan’s San Francisco campaign spokesman during the “culture war” that other gays took personally, many elections ago. The entire package is deceitful, and it is a calculated deceit.

What part didn't I know? That he was gay. Frankly, I could care less; but! that he was, years back, in known political association with Pat Buchanan -- who had been so vilely condemned earlier by the liberals as being anti-gay. I had read a few of Raimondo's articles; but found them over-the-edge for my tastes: A tad too angry; a tad too forceful; something not quite right; something not reality-based DESPITE the "reality-based verbiage" Raimondo employed.
Frontpagemag has much, much more information in their article.

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