Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Alia: Snapshot of the day

Today IS such a day. It is fierce. For note: It feels quite different here in NC than while in CA.

President Bush spoke of destroying the axis of evil. The process is well underway. And as the layers of evil become exposed, the worst remains to be bound. There is thing about calling evil by name -- and the more correct the name -- the more the evil is inclined to "hatch out".

From the alarming news about ChoicePoint (here, here, here, here, here and here), Democrat Outsourcing of private ID data to India (here, and here, continual activist judicial evils, to Les Kinsolving suddenly hearing from an Aide to former Jimmie Jones (People's Temple) writing to apologize, to more about the axis of France-Russia-China and the EU (here and here ---- it can make one's flesh quake. My knees may quiver a bit, but it's not in fear - it is not a chill -- it is awe of what is coming fast.

I know something greater is just around the horizon. I've seen this pattern and cycle many, many times.

In this case, FREEDOM is making itself heard. Therefore those who are most frightened by FREEDOM will yell and screech and wave brushes in the air.

It's like Linda Blair's last demon: LOUD, NOISY, UGLY.

But, it too gets cast out. Keep your hands busy to the tasks you need to do and to get done. Remain faithful.

Fear is the destroyer of both great and small.

Be of Good Cheer!

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