Monday, March 28, 2005

Alia: The Rebuke and the Clarity Call

Did not our Lord say to render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar? Yes. Are we not enjoined to obey the writ of the laws? Yes.

At first I heard a whispering in my ear to involve myself; I pushed it away. Once more, again I pushed it away. It returned but louder, and more insistent. I've had many days to observe and ponder. And, I'm now answering the call. I'd hoped instead to be indulging myself with R&R; but here it is. The "you" is rhetorical.

It's not that I don't care -- in fact, I very much care. And I support the President and Governor very much. I still forget, even these many years past, that often those scholars who have the positions, the prestige, the scholarship -- cannot say these things, or will not say these things. And I've waited and watched to see the writings and anlysis emerge; and they haven't. Yes, even after all these years, it still surprises plain old Schmoe-me. Ock, and so it goes.

Again, what many are not aware of is the "split" within the Roman Catholic Church. They might be aware of the split within the Anglican Communion. While doing Prop 187 (immigration reform in CA); I learned first hand about Roman Nuns acquiring fake "documentation" in order to give to illegals. In Sonoma County. I learned most intimately of an RC "nunnery" in San Jose who is quite supportive and active in Amnesty International. Often, when some hear the Pope speak, if they are traditional -- they call him a sell-out for say, visiting civilly with Fidel Castro. And when the Pope speaks about being pro-life, the liberal wing of the RC "union" goes bananas in angered fury. The Pope is trying to hold the Body together; and he must continue to exist on the "field of dreams" in order to keep evil in abeyance.

I've reviewed a number of forums wherein pro/con "passionate" people are writing, debating, and brawling with each other concerning the plight of Terri Schiavo. In and of itself; is fine, being that it is with words; not fists. But now has come wherein there are those licking their chops -- hoping for the political demise of Jeb Bush, and because he could do this, that, or the other. Dittos in re their treatment of President Bush "He could issue an executive order! Just Like Reno did vis a vis Elian Gonzales!".

If these are your best arguments -- go home! You cannot argue FOR a sane, civil society if you are pushing for something illegal or overarching and overreaching to be taking place. Your stands are nothing more than "self" speaking. That you are more important than what is actually occurring. You cannot argue for respect of Laws; while simultaneously finding your own relativistic reasons for another to abridge, break, bypass law.

And no matter how much the particular law is an ass.

We have projection and transferrence here, going on. It's the "If I were President" or "If I were King" mentality afoot.

But you are not. And nor would you do as you are encouraging the Bushes to do were you in their "shoes". But of course, you only see yourself in "their" shoes for ONLY this one little "act". Not the afterwards, assuredly.

Now why did I include the bit about "passionate" Romans and Christians? Are you not aware that there are "passionate" types calling themselves Christians and Catholics -- who in fact are every bit as relativistic as the Gays, the Feminists, and the Racialist "churches" in "quoting" scripture!!

If you are so intent upon vilifying others in order to present to be passionate about "life" (using Terri's) - you'd be bold than merely demanding others to do your bidding, wouldn't you? I think you would. You'd use what power you had right now to storm the hospice, you use "force" to rescue Terri. But you won't. That would involve TOO much trouble for yourselves. But you'll scream and thump your own chests to beat down the Bushes to "do something"?

Oh, yes. I see quite clearly. And because there is far more than mere "passion" involved with these who are screaming for the Gov & Pres Bush's "heads on a platter". To liken these men to Pontius Pilate is absurd. Pontius did offer Barrabas also to the crowds; and let them vote. (I've heard not SINGLE ENTITY OR PERSON BRING UP BARRABAS!)

The Bushs have done no such thing. They are not as Pontius.

Liberal judges and the Death Cult DO such things on a regular basis: They give "clemency" and pardon to the most eggregious offenders; while following the "writ of law" in the case of Terri Schiavo, and many other innocents. You there, screaming in Florida about those Rotten Bushes -- did you help elect a candidate who supports the Death Cult? Did you vote "YES" on an issue facilitating Terri's slow murder?

It is usually these who scream the loudest for another's head on a platter...

But these who are screaming for the heads of the Bushs will do NOTHING to alter or to address this matter of "personal policy preferences" activist judiciary persons.

Oh, no... in their emotional and volatile embryonic mentality -- the yell at "daddy". "Do Something". They taunt: "You've got the power! Use it, we don't care if its illegal - DO IT".

Can you hear the imps snickering? I most certainly can and do. They disrupted my sleep quite loudly last night, awakening me to the raging lightening and thunderstorm overhead.

This anti-Bushs movement is being led by the Pied Pipers of manipulating emotions in order to attain their own goals and aims. This is how they manipulate people: Through emotion and emotionalisms.

1. Locate and begin the "movement" over a person with a terrible thing happening to them. ("One bloody hanger=a million, gazillion bloody hangers!")
2. Position yourself as the sound voice of "care".
3. Manipulate those you've hooked into a "political" movement for or against something of which you, the leader, are already a staunch supporter of.
4. Beat down, heckle and harass and jeer any and all who disagree with you and your "new" followers.

The same holds true with regard to the MinuteMan Project. There are some good people in this movement. There are also those who are not so good and carry a hidden agenda.

These latter will be the ones most loudly proclaiming the "stupidity" of President Bush. That he is a sell-out, and doesn't care. They sit in their tinpot chairs and scream for their rattles. They speak in hostile, angry terms. They boast about their own intent: while loudly, repeatedly, slamming President Bush. This is how you'll know them.

Surely, you know by now that racialists agree with each other -- their goals are one and the same; despite their nasty flinging of ad hominems to the other racial identity groups?

It is one thing to be entirely perturbed by the matter of illegal immigrants. And quite the other to pretend to "sit inside" the human form of President Bush and to "project" who he is and what he is thinking. It's... "selectivist" Presidental "quoting". To focus purely on this one matter to the exclusion of all else the President has done and said. Do you really think, for even TWO FREAKIN SECONDS, the President is unaware of the penetration of the "axis of evil" here in the US? Do you think he is only focused on "sorting out Iraq" but screw the US? If so, then you've got great pals, Democrats, on your side. They'll be happy to work with you.

The Pod People are afoot.

You shall be known by your civil tone, and lack thereof. Your ability to be rational and to be able to carry more than one thought in your mind, expressed through writing and words, as you discuss the "specifics" of either Terri Schiavo and "illegal Immigrants".

From where I am perched, I see it: The Republican Party is not "cracking up". Not even a shot of that happening. I'll tell you what I see IS happening. The Republican party is purging itself of those who claim to be conservative and in fact are not. These are being splintered off to where they belong -- to the party they actually are members of; and who have refused to come clean about their internal "agenda".

So, yes, there is movement. And yes, there are sparks. But they aren't of the nature the liberals, and the "selectivists" are hoping for. No, no: The Republicans are freeing themselves of troublesome pests who have far more in common with the "Just Dieeee" Beast (of "Independence Day") so that you might see them better. This alignment has been necessary for quite some time.

And these two events: Schiavo and Borders -- makes this clear to me.

I would give Terri Schiavo my own spittle, the sweat of my brow, to help her.

Each person, ultimately has to make a decision similar to "Doc" in "field of dreams", about crossing or not crossing that particular line.

If the Bushs cross "that line" -- yes, Terri might live. Yes, illegals might be temporarily halted from entering our country.

But this will draw them, President and Governor, out of the field they must play on and to win for all of our country. Who would you rather took their place? Hillary? "Death Cult" President and Governor?

In this matter, using the "anology" being currently used: Our God is as a Pontius no? Offering to the people a decision, a vote.

And can't you yet hear the imps snickering: Who needs a ballot box anymore... har har har....

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