Monday, December 06, 2004

Mata! Can we sell the Ghost of Marx on eBay?

You had fun in FLA. No denying it!!! I'm so glad you had fun. Any good tangles with the rabid PEST-like Dems? Did you give them organic placebos? :) :)

Selling the ghost of Karl Marx on eBay: As a premier socialist, his ghost should be sold to a GROUP of buyers. I don't know that eBay could accommodate that. Perhaps, however, individual bidders could buy an ectoplasmic arm, a leg, etc. And once sold... We'd list him again!!!! And this time, demand an even higher price! Over and Over and Over again!

We'd be committing psi karma; not allowing Marx to rest in peace and placating his followers in their mistaken belief that socialism just hasn't worked because not enough money has been "thrown" at the problem yet.

This could be our winner project of the millenium, Mata. It could mean... winter in Florida.. every winter. Dem snowbirds get dual votes, but we'd have forever the ghost of Karl Marx at our command...


MataHarley said...

LOL! Oh how wonderful to live in capitalism where creative marketing is rewarded, eh Alia? Stellar idea! But surely we needn't limit it to Marx. So many socialist spirits in dismay after the election, and so many willing buyers. The sky is the limit!

Ah... the PEST Dems. I kept my human interactions mostly to the family, but short of my parents, all are part of the disgruntled. Thankfully they fall short of being candidates for therapy.

I was at peace for the duration, for they know not to tread into politico areas with me by now unless they are very well armed with data and not emotions and MSM sound bytes.

Only one comment over dinner by one... a sliding remark about "Bush banning stem cell research", which I quickly corrected to - "no federal funds will be allocated to harvest babies but the private companies can research" - and I was back to savoring the grouper dinner. Another cousin said upon leaving... "I love you... hate your politics, but I love you." To which I replied, "likewise".

Evidently we understand that to be American is to be diverse... but we will always be Americans and family together.

Most Floridians in the peninsula are not like the Palm Beach types... which are comprised of mostly spoiled, wealthy New Yorkers escaping the winters. The Palm Beach'ers closely resemble the Hollywood liberals - they are Dems so they can feel good about their wealth by supporting social programs.

Malarky... What a crock of BS they concoct solely to mask their own hypocrisy. For the fact is, those most vocal about the gap of wealth, the poor, hungry and homeless, are those who have the most.

If they are so dead set on redistributing wealth and equalizing living conditions as they say, it should start with them ... voluntarily and not by federal mandates.

They can start by moving out of their mansions, take the proceeds and start a charity, eliminating the gov't middle man. More of the funds would make it to those in need, yes? Perhaps Michael Moore should be the first.

I shall hold my breath....

And, ya know... as one on the lower end of the gap, I don't mind they have their waterfront mansions. I love capitalism. If we had no ability for financial rewards and improvement of our lives, there is no drive... no incentive to succeed. And while I don't believe cash is the measure of success, I also don't believe wealth is evil. It depends upon who has the wealth and what they do with it, doesn't it.

Alia said...

What you wrote -- is excellent, and true. I saw the same malarky and double-standard BS among the well-to-do liberals in SF Bay Area. Your post could have been a blog entry all its own, Mata. "Twas very good.