PARIS -- Teachers at a French school have rejected their town's annual gift to students of chocolates shaped like Christian crosses and St. Nicholas.
As Christmas approaches, France is awakening to the realization that a law that took effect in September may have made the seasonal sweets illegal.
The new law bans conspicuous religious symbols such as Islamic head scarves, Jewish skullcaps and large Christian crosses at public schools.
More than a dozen Muslim girls have been expelled from high schools for refusing to remove their scarves, along with three Sikh boys kicked out of a Paris-area school for wearing turbans.
But the dispute over Christmas chocolates is the first time the law has been used against Christian imagery.
Mata Musing
Oh my... looks like they've opened the proverbial Pandora's chocolate box! LOL Guess they didn't see this one coming.
But the French should count themselves lucky that the actions of disgruntled Christian fanatics generally fall far short of the kidnapping and murder done by intolerant Muslim terrorists.
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