Marie, who never married or had kids, also delighted in an unhealthy diet.She always had three sugars in her coffee, loved a drop of sherry and scoffed sweets and cakes — often refusing to eat savoury food.
But Marie remained incredibly healthy.
She had all her teeth and never even suffered as much as a smoker’s cough from her ciggies.
Mrs Kallis said: “Our doctor used to raise his arms in bewilderment when he came to see her.
“He’d say, ‘Don’t encourage her’ — but she defied all medical reasoning
--end snip
My maternal great grandfather lived to just shy of his 104th birthday. He smoked, he drank scotch each day, and chased women right up to the end. A gentleman of the old order. He was beloved. Family tells me, he decided when it was time to go. And he did.
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