Thursday, December 09, 2004

Canada Courts Define Marriage

CBC News

OTTAWA - The Supreme Court of Canada says the federal government can change the definition of marriage, giving gays and lesbians the legal right to marry.

The Supreme Court decision

Stephen Harper In a non-binding opinion released Thursday morning, the court reaffirmed religious freedoms under the Charter, saying religious officials opposed to same-sex marriages do not have to perform them.

It declined to answer a fourth question added by Paul Martin when he became prime minister: whether the current definition of marriage as a man and a woman was unconstitutional.

But the court said that by failing to appeal a number of lower court rulings that said excluding gays from marriage was discriminatory, the federal government had already accepted that position.

"The government has clearly accepted these decisions and adopted this position as its own," the court wrote.

(snip) Continue reading at link above

Mata Musing: Yo! TrekMed! You out there? I know you'll have an opine on this one, guy.

No states rights for Canada. It has, with one "Supreme" decision, swept the entire nation. To boot, the failure to act against lower decisions cemented it's fate.

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