Sunday, November 28, 2004

Doc Love: For men

I've added a website listing to the links category: site was recommended to me, particularly with concerns dating. I've just been there, and find the advice very, very good.

In this day of "relationships": Blue versus Red; US and Every Other Country; Marriage; Gay Unions; Friends; Political allies; -- This is a timely find, IMHO. I did read the book "He's just not into you" -- I found it to be superb. So, my thinking here is, we work on relationships at the local level.. and it affects the higher levels.

And oh yeah... I love these Southern men in my new domicile. I had no idea these men still existed!! Yeah, sure there are some knuckledraggers; but I find them yet more interesting than the masturbatory-self-absorbed knuckledragger males I encountered mostly (than not) on the west Coast.

Doc Love, at this website, gives good counsel. And the counsel applies to females, too!

1 comment:

Alia said...

You are the last person I'd consider naiive, Rastus. And yes, you are quite right -- the counsel seems manipulative; and not spontaneous. However, in time, I think spontaneity may return to everyday relations but only after more of the cultural moral decay and rot has been addressed. I think this website is indicative of how much ignorance (over relationships) and/or mistrust is predominant in romantic relations. Not surprising. Were I a guy and a female could do a number on me, then sue me for everything, take my children away.. I'd want some kind of litmus test. The problem, majorly, IMHO, is that once the lawyers got involved in "marriage" issues, everything else went to hell pretty quick. Years back, I was asked to speak to a group of teen girls. The idea of the very word "dating" was something they were entirely unfamiliar with.

BTW, two days back I finished reading Tom Wolfe's latest: I Am Charlotte Simmons. Takes place at an ivy-league campus. Excellent, engaging read; very realistic (IMHO). A good look into elitist "manipulative" gaming on the relationship front which of course then is mimicked by many wanna bes in the non-elite classes. What a hell! I recommend the read.

Face it, Rastus.. we came of "age" during the early very good sweet age of the eventual hateful 60s. The early parts were pretty sweet and wistful and spontaneous. Chad and Jeremy, the Inkspots.. before life was turned into one huge radical toad by the socialists... You know... in my dad's age group (he's 78) I see that spontaneity. Unfortunately, he resides in one of the femme-meanest parts of the USA: Northern CA. Most the women are really abrupt, angry, and nasty. However, the ones who haven't ingested the femme-rad virus? Are sweet, wonderful, and spontaneous.

Frankly, looking back, I'm surprised there weren't more of these types of websites back during the pre-tax cut years.. when folks were getting squeezed at all levels. But then if there had been.. no doubts the control freaks would have worked hard to have had such a site censored as a "hate crime" against X, Y, and Z.