Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Abbas becoming more radical daily

Abbas Assails 'Zionist Enemy' After Tank Kills 7
By Nidal al-Mughrabi, Gaza Strip (Reuters)

The telltale signs that Palestine and Israel will remain status quo are overwhelming, despite Arafat's death, the world's hope, and Abbas' ill-conceived classification as a "moderate".

I call it ill-conceived because the candidate's true nature has steadily been revealed in events of late... from his stalwart refusal to use force to control Hamas terrorists, to today's name game, referring to Israel the "Zionist enemy".

BEIT LAHIYA, Gaza Strip (Reuters) - The moderate frontrunner in the race for Palestinian president called Israel the "Zionist enemy" Tuesday after an Israeli tank killed seven Palestinian youths in a Gaza strawberry field.

The story cites militants launching mortars at a Jewish settlement from a strawberry field and wounding two. Israel responded with a tank shell that killed seven Palestinian youths, aged 11-17, in the fields.

Naturally the screaming about the loss of innocent life commenced - something no one wants. However never overlook this simple fact... Palestinian terrorists have the uncanny knack of melting away into a crowd and, forever after, everyone lays claim to the innocent "victim" status.

Bunk. The major flaw with this logic is the composition of Hamas terrorists themselves. We should never forget that many terrorist suicide bombers are women and children, infused with hatred all their lives.

Those mortars came from somewhere in the fields. How many of those dead were innocently picking strawberries, and how many were involved or part of the mortar attack for training?

We will never know because the Palestinians never offer up their murdering terrorists, but instead grant them cover with true innocent shields. So forgive me if I'm not quick to mourn their deaths under the assumption everyone in that field had the bad luck to be in the right place at the wrong time.

The Israel self-defense with superior weaponry drew heavy fire from Abbas.

"We are praying for the souls of our martyrs who fell today to the shells of the Zionist enemy," Abbas told a rally in the south Gaza refugee camp of Khan Younis, a hotbed of militants.

For one seeking the ways of peace, the terrorist phrase "zionist enemy" is hardly an endearing one. And certainly not one to instill hope for negotiations. Furthermore, one can't help but notice that Israel was...again... responding to violence, and that... again... Palestininans are quick to cushion their judgement on the Palestinian first offenders.

"This will not bring peace for anyone. If such aggression continues we will not be able to engage in a peace process," Abbas told reporters, referring to the killing of the youths.

"But I also condemn all pointless (mortar and rocket) actions happening here and there," he said. "These actions are wrong and I will not apologize for (saying) that."

No shit, Sherlock. If Abbas does not stop the first offenders, Palestinian terrorists, then there will be no peace process. And "condemnation" is far shy of the action needed to exercise control over militant terrorists. Not only are stronger deeds needed, but it will also take a man who accepts responsibility for the ensuing violence after Hamas attacks.

Each day points to the notion that Abbas will not be that man.

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